Mod 0 - Lessons


The prework linked below must be completed BEFORE your first session! Reach out via Slack if you have any questions.

  • Mod 0 Prework
  • Before session 1, your Mod 0 Gist should contain sections for About Me and Intro Video Link.

Session 1

Live Sessions

Assignment - Complete Before Session 2

Session 2

Live Sessions

Assignment - Complete Before Session 3

Session 3

Live Sessions

Assignment - Complete by Sunday Evening

Complete Before Mod 1

Note: You are not expected to be experts on these topics, but you should come to Mod 1 ready to ask questions about the topics covered in these lessons.

  • Pre-teach this Testing lesson.
  • Complete some Ruby Exercises. We’d like you to focus on the data-types, ints-and-floats, and strings folders.